Friday, September 25, 2009

week 7 Creative Commons and Free/ Libre Open source software (FLOSS)

this lectures about copyright and how the net is like a copy machine. creative commons is a non-profit organisation and to consumers, contraccts are signed if some parts of your material, you want kept private.
Public Domain. has no rights, everyone can use/copy anything in there.
"access and control" is one option of sharing creativity on the net and you have the choice to share or not share.
almost all software must be paid for because of its popularity. The programs used to be free to use but large business' depend on them now too. when it was less popular, people used to share codes.
Richard Stallman started organisation called free software foundation. its aimed to share certain software with the public for free. He made his own licence made up of four freedoms
0- freedom to run the program for any purpose
1 - freedom to study how the program works
2 - freedom to redistribute copies
3 - freedom to improve prgoram.

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